
David Wolf

A native son of Pasadena, David spent his childhood in the Arroyo.

David Robert Wolf was a graduate of UC Berkeley, where he earned a Masters of Architecture degree. After a career in teaching and design, he began three projects on Pasadena: Pasadena Passages, a proposal to link existing pedestrian passages; “My City,” the story of Pasadena’s City Beautiful Movement; and the Arroyo Link.

As the Arroyo Link project took shape, David invited numerous people to come up to his home at Zorthian Ranch, transforming his living room in a cozy presentation space for his talks, slide shows, and exhibits about his projects.

In January 2018, David’s Arroyo Link project was formally approved for submittal by the City of Pasadena’s Transportation Advisory Committee, paving the way for the City to seek funding. In November 2019, David formally presented the project to the Pasadena City Council; before he could even begin his presentation, councilmembers eagerly voiced their unanimous enthusiasm for the project.

Tragically, David passed away in November 2019, leaving behind his many friends and his family to carry on his memory and vision for his beloved city.


The Friends of The Arroyo Link

We are a group of friends, family, and colleagues of David’s who are committed to carrying on David’s extraordinary work for Pasadena.

We are urbanists, architects, active transportation advocates, and civic supporters; we are all working together with the City and the community toward David’s vision of a safe, beautiful link to the Arroyo and to our city’s rich history.